
Andropause is the male equivalent of menopause in women, but it is often misunderstood and overlooked as a natural part of aging


What is Andropause?

NHS 111 WALES states - not all men experience the Male Menopause, the main difference between the Andropause, and the Menopause experienced by women is this happens over a shorter period. Although testosterone levels fall as men age, the decline is steady at about 1% a year from around the age of 30 to 40, These changes can affect men from their mid to late 40s into their 50s.

Men have higher testosterone levels as changes are noticed with declining testosterone levels, which happens much more gradually than women experience with the menopause. The male menopause is itself a contentious topic. Many men believe there is no such thing. However, logically speaking, the drop in hormone levels does suggest that changes could be experienced within the body. Testosterone declines slowly from about the age of 30 to 80+. An estimated 30 % of men in their 50’s will have symptoms due to lower testosterone levels.


Men experience symptoms that include weight gain particularly in the re-distribution of body fat around the chest and waist, anxiety, stress, depression, panic attacks / palpitations, changed sleep patterns increased or decreased sleep, poor concentration, lack of motivation and a decrease of muscle mass.

Clinical Hypnotherapy, CBT and other tools can help a man take back control of their lives. Many men find it difficult to talk about many of the issues above including changes in body image, lack of confidence or feeling low. Andropause can have a real impact on men’s personal and work life. The first step is accepting they may be going through “a change in life” and finding the right help they need.

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